-for your love shines in our dull world-
preettie an amazzzingg day.
i knew that micheal jackson birthday was yesterday
Fall out boy had remake the song "Beat it" by him and it sounds funny.
so i was feeling kinda of nostagic
wanna relive some memories you know, YOU KNOW? i know you what i meant. i know.
so i went to youtube to find a music video on him.
i wanted to know why was he so famous. and i grew up listening to him since my aunt's brother keep playing his Music videos when i was little. ( you know the bigbig LCD disc? before the CD came into invention?)
oh i remembered my favourite was
: smooth criminal. ( if anyone even know this song....)
his moves were awwwsooome. where the famous trademark moonwalk and the lean thing
(he can do a 45 degree lean like this --> / )
came from.
RAMDOM. -and no, i don't idolise Mj-
went to a church event at 1+ today. there were lots of AH people :X
many whom faces were not familar at all
i, bennett, MICHELLE, wai meng said some ramdom jokes before the thing had started. XD
it started nice and funny,
rather warm and welcomely,
i got used to the homely atmosphere where i laughed loudly like no one's business.
The talents showcased were cool, the accapella was WOW.
i totally got in-TO the music
AHH! the lameness. :O
as i warmed up the very seat that i sat on,
i was most expecting that this would all boil down to a testamony
preaching event :D
and it did.
sabrina, the precher was cool, haha.
No need to say,
a very good talker man.
when i saw the video, you know, how jesus died for us ( the process )
i and michelle cried, and i am not afriad to say it out :D
thanks michy and the girl who helped us to feel a little better.:D
thanks jiamin and jolene
i am disappointed that i didn't went down to the stage when they asked us to.
I believe , i will be ready next time, i will :)
that will be my promise to god.
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