lets read it and keep it in our minds.

btw, Happy New Year everyone! :DD
bennett forward this email to me.
and in this email it says:
and in this email it says:
No Pain No Gain… Accept the Pain, Future will be Fruitful…
Don ' t feel the work you are doing is pain, because there will be always a reason for that pain or work.
Don ' t feel the work you are doing is pain, because there will be always a reason for that pain or work.
so anything that happens, it always have a purpose set by God.
yeah. so i don't care if this is a chain mail or watever.
When i read it, i was so inspired by it.
okay, I believe whatever troubles i am gong through now,
it will all turn out fruitful and i look forward for that day to come.
what i believe is that i think i had escape from the problem for too long.
now, i had no choice to face it, i didn't know what to do.
so, i had that really stoning feeling.
you know that feeling, when you don't feel any emotion at all?
yeah, you feel
but now, i guess it's getting a little better. (: it's god's doing.
i'm a little set free now. half-opened eyes.
and i thank anyone, who prayed for me . :D
really appreciated it.
Let bygones be bygones?
Lets start this new year with a bang!
and of cos,
1# With A Righteous heart.
2# With a heart to know the mistakes and repent.
3# With God in mind in whatever we do. Ask and we will receive.
yesh. AND i really promise myself that i will only use the com for 2 reasons.
HOMEWORK + blogging( i guess)
youtube? i am trying very hard!
wishes? resolutions?
mm... hahahXD
i want to move forward spirtually.
1 comment:
Oh! I cried too O:
Okay uhhhhh, I was reading the bible and I want you to take a look at Mathew 7 and Mathew 10.
I lay up all night thinking about it. Mathew 10 can relate quite well to you X_x
ANYWAY yeah, as long as you have faith in Him and in yourself nothing is impossible in God's name.
Love you gal -grins and huggles-
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