RAINBOW days are back!
optimistic is the best.
haha. i am IT bai chi.
i admit!
oh crappppy:D
i seriously think that studies are -_- or
totally shits if you don't apply in the future
i tell you what, if you want to apply everything
Let's ask everyone to be scientists
MATH- physic or calcuations needed
ENG/LIT- write proposals for inventions that you created
GEOG/HIST- ... you can be a scientist in these fields
SCIENCE- YES. we don't use them in becoming a SCIENtist. no we don't
Chinese -speak in chinese to the chi-na people when going aboard
SEL - control your temper.
i'm bored as you can see
Have you ever swam in the ocean?
for what? i'm a freshwater fish XD
Have you ever fell asleep in school?
Have you ever sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
yeah. ! my mom :D when i was young she went overseas
What is the last thing you ate?
soya fish slices.
Ever had . . . Chicken pox?
dang it, don't remind me the painful experience and name calling that folowed when i got back to school.
Ever had . . . Sore throat?
Ever had . . .Stitches?
stiches.. yeah on my right hand.
Ever had . . .Broken nose?
heck no.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
O.o don't ask me that.
actually yes.
Do you like picnics?
YES! it's been ages since i last did that, at paris park.
Last made you smile?
the movie 27 dresses..
You last yelled at?
my mom ><
Today you did?
stoning and studying. oh it rhythms! but totally different things
Have you ever . . . . . Kissed anyone?
i dun even know who is ANYONE. is it a guy?!
cos i'm not les :X
Miss someone ?
yeah. my mom.
What's under your bed?
a big fat green cherry monster.
Who do you really hate?
Zits! T.T
Do you have any siblings?
one.! A BROTHER!
Do you want children?
i want 101 children to beat the current most number of children in the guiness book of records!
wow. my womb would had exploded.
Do you smile often?
not really. not as much as last time
Do you like your hand-writing?
Have you ever crawled through a window?
if i had done that, i would be flying off the 9th storey and wouldn't have a chance to be typing here.
Can you handle the truth?
No. i hate truths. i 'm not the reality type.
Are you too forgiving?
think so. maybe not. i dunno.
Are you closer to your mother or father?
mother XD
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
i forgot. mmm...
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
star gazing!
Are you confident?
no way.. i dunno if my answer is correct! AHH DUN BLAME ME IF IT's WRONG!
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